A Medieval Stone with a Surprising Purpose
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Over the past few months, a number of new phallic finds have stunned archaeologists and historians.
Lady Kimberly
Apr 15, 20232 min
Viking Finds in the News
Recent archeological discoveries in Norway are shedding light—and raising questions—on Scandinavian history. By Walter S. Brackett III A...
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Lady Kimberly
Dec 20, 20221 min
Spectacular Anglo-Saxon Treasure Uncovered
Excavating a site for housing development in the UK, builders stumbled across a rare find that has flabbergasted historians. While...
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Lady Kimberly
Dec 1, 20221 min
Bed Burials: Mystery Solved
Why were the deceased sometimes buried in their beds during the Middle Ages? It’s been a mystery, until now. From the 5th to 10th...
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Lady Kimberly
Oct 1, 20222 min
Has a Vampire Been Found in Poland?
Have archeologists recently uncovered the remains of a 17th-century vampire in a remote village cemetery in Poland? By Walter S. Bracket...
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Lady Kimberly
May 21, 20222 min
An Explosive New Medieval Find… Literally.
An 11th-century vessel found in Jerusalem may have been used by the Arabs to confuse and scare the Crusaders, centuries before gunpowder...
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Apr 22, 20223 min
The Shroud of Turin is Actually a… WTF?
A British historian has proposed a new theory about the origins of the Shroud of Turin that will challenge everything you think you know...
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Apr 12, 20222 min
Rare Find Emerges from Notre Dame Rubble
Archaeologists were recently surprised to find something quite unusual as they dug through the wreckage at Notre Dame. By Ellen...
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Lady Kimberly
Mar 16, 20221 min
Did the Vikings Ever Wear Horned Helmets?
Until now, it has been believed that the horned helmets found in Denmark in 1942 were once worn by the Vikings. But radiocarbon dating...
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Lady Kimberly
Jan 20, 20221 min
The Surprising Size of the Medieval War Horse
A recent study shows that the average size of a medieval war horse was shockingly petit. According to a team of zoologists in the UK who...
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Lady Kimberly
Nov 23, 20211 min
Rare Prayer Roll Resurfaces
Recently, researchers reviewed a rare prayer roll from before the Dissolution of the Monasteries in England (1536-1541). What they found...
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Lady Kimberly
Nov 1, 20212 min
Not All is What Seems at Medieval Church Excavation
A team of archaeologists excavating the ruins of a medieval church built near Aylesbury, England, recently found something truly...
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Lady Kimberly
Jul 23, 20211 min
Roman Road Found in Venice... Underwater, Of Course
Yes, there was a time when Venice was not surrounded by water, and people could approach the city on foot. Recently, a road and the ruins...
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Lady Kimberly
Jul 7, 20212 min
King-Saint Cave Dwelling Oldest in Britain
Is this ancient cave the original residence of an Anglo-Saxon king-turned-priest? And can it really be the oldest surviving home in...
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Lady Kimberly
May 31, 20212 min
Pointy Poulaines Proved Painful
According to recent discoveries, our medieval ancestors were as obsessed with footwear that deformed one’s feet as we are today with...
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Lady Kimberly
May 3, 20211 min
Retiree Digs Up Medieval Ruins in Back Yard
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to uncover a medieval palace in your backyard? It’s not what you'd expect. When 81-year-old...
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Lady Kimberly
Mar 18, 20212 min
Birthing Girdles All the Rage with Medieval Women
A 500-year-old medieval birthing belt or “girdle” was recently tested to determine if it had once been worn or just used as a talisman....
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Lady Kimberly
Mar 2, 20211 min
Knight Riding a Snail Goat: WTF?
A recently discovered silver badge or belt decoration of a knight riding a snail atop of a goat leaves researchers wondering, WTF? A...
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Lady Kimberly
Feb 11, 20212 min
Oldest Bridge in Scotland Found
The oldest bridge in Scotland was thought lost to time and the elements… until it was found by a local historical society member. For...
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Lady Kimberly
Jan 5, 20212 min
Medieval Soldier’s Remains Found in Lake
A recent underwater inspection of a Lithuanian bridge surprised divers when they found the remains of a medieval soldier lying on the...
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